
2017 Stewardship in Frenchman Coulee

Climbers have been helping care for the land in Frenchman Coulee and Echo Basin (the area commonly known as "Vantage") for decades. The Access Fund organized work here in 2000, and the Washington Climbers Coalition has done projects here since 2010. The Mountaineers, the American Alpine Club, and the Spokane Mountaineers have participated in [...]

2017 Stewardship in Frenchman Coulee2018-04-20T16:20:53-07:00

Protecting Access to a Gem at Gold Bar

The area affectionately known as "Gold Bar" houses some of the best granite bouldering to be found. The area has been recognized as a bouldering mecca since about 2000, and climbers have been active stewards in the area ever since. Those displaying a Washington Climbers Coalition sticker had special access here for a period [...]

Protecting Access to a Gem at Gold Bar2018-04-20T16:16:44-07:00