
Matt Perkins
Matt currently serves as president of the Washington Climbers Coalition and was one of the founders of the organization. With over 45 years’ climbing experience, Matt has been involved in environmental and political advocacy since childhood, participating in his first save-the-park campaign at age 14.

Eddie Espinosa
Eddie currently serves as the American Alpine Club’s National Volunteer Program Senior Manager, previously working as their Northwest Regional Manager. Prior to the AAC he was the brand manager at Feathered Friends, and coordinated Outdoor Recreation programs for the YMCA. He’s passionate about climbing, skiing, mountain biking, and trail running around the northwest.

Ashley SipleBoard Member
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Andy Fitz
Andy co-founded the WCC in 2004 after ten years of volunteering for the Access Fund as a regional coordinator and on the board of directors. During that time, Andy received the AF’s Activist of the Year and Lifetime Achievement awards. Andy’s been climbing more than 30 years and splits his time among sport climbing, trad climbing, bouldering, and new routing. He’s established more than 170 first ascents in the Tieton River area. Andy works as an environmental lawyer.

Lindsay Randall
Lindsay comes to the WCC with a deep background in political and community organizing. She learned to climb at her indoor climbing wall in New York, but fell deeply in love with alpine climbing when she moved to Seattle in 2014. Lindsay leads event planning for the Index Climbers Festival and other WCC community building events. She hopes to help build a future for climbing in Washington that is welcoming and inclusive for all climbers.

Gabe Cisneros
Born in an ancient pueblo ringed by mountains in southern Arizona, it is no wonder that Gabe has a strong connection to and understanding of the rock he climbs. His Mexican/Yaqui family roots in Tucson run centuries deep (leading to a family saying that “we never crossed the border, the border crossed us”). Gabe’s familial and cultural roots have provided him with a strong sense of identity, respect for his natural surroundings, and an appreciation of those who share his passion. On his parents advice, he left his beloved desert mountain ranges for the Cascades. His years as a graduate student at the University of Washington saw Gabe’s interest in climbing blossom into a full-blown obsession.
Gabe can be found continuing his family traditions as he passes along his knowledge, wisdom, and climbing skills to his enthusiastic kids. As often as possible, this small band of climbers throw themselves into this great wilderness that surrounds us in search of the perfect boulder problems to tackle individually, with the support of all.

Dave Haavik
My family was always very into the outdoors, camping hiking, backpacking, fishing, etc. In 1980 I began climbing with my father. He gave me some great advice at some point, he said “figure out what you like to do in life and then figure out how to make a living doing it”. Good advice. I started working in the Outdoor Industry at the Swallows’ Nest in Seattle in 1983. There were a few various jobs after that with Sundog, The North Face and The Vertical World. In 1993 I started my sales career with Petzl. I don’t really have any spare time because I fill what time I have with parenting, hiking, skiing, biking, listening to and playing music, gardening, etc.

Jeremy Park
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Cece Venzon
When she’s not climbing walls and peaks along the West Coast, CeCe teaches at the Mountaineers and cherishes opportunities to show adults and teens awesome things about mountaineering!

Walter Jordan
Walter Jordan joined the WCC Board in 2018 after starting the Yakima Climbing Scene, a community climbing group and WCC affiliate organization in Yakima. The Yakima Climbing Scene brings together climbers in the Yakima valley for community building events, stewardship and fundraising. Walter spends his free time developing in the Tieton River Valley.
Michael Manuel
Michael joined the board of the WCC in August of 2021. We will update his bio soon!
Advisory Members

Jonah HarrisonAdvisory, General Counsel
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