Access Note: The area adjacent to the Gold Bar boulders is being actively logged. Please check our Alerts page for any current access alerts. Once logging operations are complete, DNR plans to decommission the former road. The WCC is working to upgrade the access trail with support and permission from DNR.
DNR has long been concerned about vehicle access there, including the high levels of traffic, unauthorized use of the gate by non-WCC-members during a period when WCC members were granted access by the former private landowner, and potential liability issues. Updates will be posted here, on the WCC facebook page and on guidebook author Kelly Sheridan’s blog. Please do your part to help preserve access to Gold Bar by being polite if confronted by DNR personnel and not parking so as to block the gate.
Combination of DNR and BLM land (Manke Timber sold their parcel here to the State of Washington in 2014).
Current Status:
Open for pedestrian access. Closed to vehicles.
Climbers may still access the area on foot but please:
1. Do not park so as to block the road.
2. Be courteous and respectful of other users.
3. Do not drive off the main roadway or bypass the gate. Off-road activity was what led to the closure of the road in the first place.
4. Do not cut down trees. This is timber land.
5. Display a Discover Pass.
7. Climb at your own risk.

Joel Campbell on Smoke Signals V10.
Photo by Kelly Sheridan.