Respect the rights of others to climb without being disturbed.
Tether dogs in high-use sites like bouldering areas or staging areas. This keeps dogs out of the way of spotters, belayers, and other visitors, and prevents other people’s property from being disturbed.
Respect the rights of your dog.
Make sure your dog has plenty of food, water, and shade in hot weather. Let others know your dog’s name so they can get your dog’s attention if need be.
Keep your dog under control.
Be sure your dog responds to verbal commands and can be kept under control, especially around others. Train your dog to stay with your gear and not with someone else’s.
Clean up after your dog.
Dog poop is unsightly, smelly, and can make a mess. Pick it up and pack it out! Note: By law, on Fish and Wildlife lands, all dogs must be on leash during the nesting season – April through July.
Above All: Use Common Sense A lot of dogs in an area can cause problems. A crowded crag may not be fun for your pet, either. On a hot day, when visiting a popular area, or climbing multi-pitch routes, consider leaving your pet at home.