July 14, 2018
Climbers have been doing stewardship projects at Larrabee for over ten years. This year we did grafitti removal at the beach and among the boulders inland at Lost Ledge. As is standard, we ended the work day with plenty of time for climbing. Thirteen climbers showed up and some were treated to a tour of an area they had never visited before. The Chuckanut sandstone is amazing with hueco’s and finger pockets set in beautifully patterned rock.
Climber activism here has paid off. Through stewardship projects like this we’ve built relationships with the State Parks land managers and good will with other area visitors. We’ve brought together climbers from near and far, worked with the American Alpine Institute along with the Access Fund and other climbers’ groups, and improved the climbing experience.

Grafitti at Larrabee, by Gabe Cisneros.

Grafitti removal by Gabe Cisneros.

Barefooted Ladies, V5, by Jeremy Park.